Monday, February 14, 2011

Organizing or Over Organizing? That is the Question!

A Midsummer's Night Dream or a  Plain Nightmare?
Just a few thoughts on the subject
And if you want to skip to the bottom, there are some jewelry organizing solutions....

Do you get excited or depressed watching all those so called "experts" telling you how to get organized? Do you dream of having everything in its place? Do you drop hints to your significant other that the neighbor's garage  is sheetrocked, and tools, bikes and toys are all hung on those walls or by the rafters with care? If so I can relate!  I feel very disorganized most of the time. But then, when I do get the bug, I tend to Over Organize and can't remember where I put anything in my New System! Are 7 pockets in a purse REALLY helpful? I used to think so, when I could remember what each pocket was for! And it never stays organized anyway, so why bother?  Why can't I keep on top of things?  Am I lazy?  In agony with old age aches and pains?  Overwhelmed? ADHD? I drive myself nuts just thinking about getting organized! But, sometimes, one just has to do it! It does get a bit bothersome to have all that stuff fall out of the closet!

 I  decided lately that first I had to sort out my thinking. What has worked before? What do I need to accomplish each task now? Tubs? Boxes? Pill bottles?  Sometimes I've done a great job at organizing. My china inventory and silver ware business was neatly catagorized by company and by alphabet, boxed and shelved--in alpha order! Pieces were listed on index cards and attached to each box and a copy filed in an old recipe box. Packing orders was generally a breeze.   I have certain items that I always return to their "proper place". Why? Because dire consequences will result if I don't. Time is wasted, I can't do a job, I get frustrated, etc.   Early in life, I learned that if I misplaced my  favorite tweezers...OMG, I'd have unibrows! (Priorities) On Sunday nights, I always washed out my delicates for the next week. (Routines)

What changed and why?  I realized lately  that different periods of my life required various systems. Old age...well, not THAT OLD, has a way of making you look at things differently, When the kids were little, routines helped keep me organized. Moving every few years also helped me clear out the clutter. Now, in the same house for over 20 years, having several businesses, kids and others moving in and out, leaving the frozen tundra of Minnesota for 5 months at a time, (packing...unpacking), well I guess I just got overwhelmed and often too busy!   But, as I got older, I learned that if I misplaced my glasses, I couldn't use my tweezers anyway, so if they were lost, oh well!   Besides, is that a stray eyebrow or a new wrinkle? I don't think I really want to know.  I guess that's what my mom meant when she said, "God always compensates!" 

Lately, I've been trying to learn HOW to get more organized and ENTHUSED about it..again. This is how I used to  talk to myself about it. Some days, I still do, alas..old habits are hard to break. Does anyone relate?

Day 1. OMG this place is a disaster! Favorite excuses:  I don't care, my back hurts and if someone comes over, they can judge me all they want to! I'm 50 something and I am the boss of myself now!  It's too nice outside to stay in and clean! I rather be making jewelry! Gosh, when was the last time I played my piano?
Day 2. I can't stand it anymore! What's the matter with you, anyway, Terri, you're a slob!? Bummer, the kids are grown and gone and now I have to do it all myself.  Hubby is saying he's too ill. Well, he has been so I can't yell at him! You'd think it wouldn't be so bad anymore with just the two of us. Correction: Two to mess it up, one to clean it up.
Day 3. "Why" doesn't matter anymore just get to work. But, but, but, Hell's Bells, I don't even know where to start! Maybe tomorrow?
Day 4. Pick a room, any room and go!
Day 5.  Why is stuff from this room supposed to be in another room? Hmmm Run fast, put each article away as you find it. Note to self:  if I or whomever did that BEFORE I wouldn't be putting it back now! Why I do I remember my elders always putting everything away at the time? Reminder: Don't ride the Guilt train! 
Day 6. If we let the dog lick the plates good enough, can we just put 'em back in the cupboards? It's tempting somedays! LOL
Day 7. .End of week...a few things or many, are put away and the house in general is STILL a Disaster! What happened? I worked like a dog! While she slept! Yeah right! Where's that little magnet that said, "I'm too busy to get organized!"?

Just a Little Bit of Sugar ....

  1.  New Year's Resolution: Don't let the house get so bad! Clean up some every night before bed. Munchie wrappers and glasses used in the living room get taken to the kitchen or garbage can. Better yet, I got a pretty little wastebasket I could set next to my hubby's favorite lounge chair next to the wall. It helps!
  2. Why am I yelling at myself? Oh, yeah, I don't have the kids to yell at anymore! Man I miss them!  Yelling at myself doesn't help!  Well sometimes it does if I promise myself a treat after the work is done! Oh yeah, remember that's how I did it with the kids.... Name calling is just a form of beating up on myself...and ghosts that I'd rather banish haunting me about how bad I was as a kid. Hey, I wasn't bad! They just had "perfectionism syndrome".  OOOH, I hope I didn't do that to MY kids! I'm sure they'd beg to differ though. It's amazing how an older family member can make you feel so bad about yourself.I know now that they had their own demons and I can "unfriend" them. Note to kids: PLEASE DON'T UNFRIEND ME!
  3.  Pick a spot, not a whole room or whole house! Just a table to clear off, one set of windows to wash, one load of laundry to put away. EZ does it, but finish that ONE job (adhd?) and then look at it and pat myself on the back! Baby steps. Tomorrow I'll do 2 things, or 3 things. I think it's true that an object in motion tends to stay in motion but I do tend to steam ahead sometimes and end up exhausted. Careful!
  4.   Either put it away right away...that seems to EZ or create some sort of portable organizer (multi-divided baskets?)  labeled with different rooms and put all the stuff in their little temporary place. Then when I'm done with that room, go put it away, one room at a time. It's a good theory anyway....  admire what got done and shut the heck up! Tomorrow, another project. Heck, it's been a whole house disaster for awhile, another day or two won't matter, unless your mother-in-law is coming over! Crap!
  5.  You know....that dog causes me alot of extra work...hmmmmmmm. She doesn't wash out her Own dishes! But she's so cute! I just wish I could get her organized to pick up her own...stuff (toys of course, what'd you think I was talking about?). Let's see if I can dictate this to her and see if she understands! Now who's barking up the wrong tree?

All those fancy organizing boxes are really expensive!

  •   Whilst organizing my bathroom closet and putting similar items in baskets/boxes/organizers, I pulled out all the little shampoo, lotion, etc. bottles I'd collected from hotels and decided to use them up. What was I saving them for anyway?   I realized that many of those little empty bottles would work great as holders for little beads or findings.And because of the caps, I could easily get a couple out without using a scoop or my fingernail! And because most of them are clear - unlike pill bottles - I can see through them! Downside:  now I have to have an organization system..hmmm, by color, size, type? OH brain hurts!
  •   I also have used those weekly pill reminder boxes too. I pick them up wherever, even free sometimes at the pharmacy. They're great for small amounts of things! Now they have those in monthly sizes too. A girl can't have too many beads, findings, charms...
  • Oh darn! I knew I forgot something at Home Depot! Those tool hanging clips for all my mandrels and hammers! Well, there's always tomorrow, tomorrow, .......

Haa, you thought you'd see a picture of my work bench didn't you? Next week maybe!

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